
Colonists attack Citizens lands in “’Ein Al-Bayda” east Yatta

Violation: Ravaging Palestinians lands.

Date: March 2021.

Location: ‘Ein Al-Bayda – Yatta / Hebron governorate.

Perpetrators: Illegal Colonists.

Victims: Families of Bahees , Ida’is, Abu Zahra.


Reported in March 7th 2021; Israeli illegal Colonists have been carrying out ravages in agricultural Lands in ‘Ein Al-Bayda east Yatta / South Hebron.

In the morning hours of March 7th, colonists brought a JCB bulldozer, and drove around and between Palestinian farmlands lands nearby the illegal colony Ma’on.

Colonists carried out ravages in several spots, and brought two excavators to ravage and level other locations as well. they also opened a road that links the bypass and agricultural lands.

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Photos 1+2: Israeli machineries at Palestinian private lands

Families of Ein Al-Bayda got to the location to see what is  happening, colonists said that they “rented” the plot from the Israeli state to conduct a quarry process, without giving any other information.

Families of Ida’is , Bhais , Abu Zahra own vast areas of farmlands in ‘Ein Al-Bayda area , and they are worried that their land might be devoured by Israeli colonialist projects , as a new Israeli scheme is on the table in an attempt to connect Israeli colonies south Hebron to each other (to create a massive colonial cluster).

Ein Al-Bayda families tried to stop colonists from ravaging their lands, and filed several complaints to the Israeli Police, but however the ravaging works did not stop until this day . illegal colonists take away their machineries for few days, then they bring them back and continue the work.

 Families Organize protests every Friday, but the occupation police divide them and announce the area as a closed military zone. Moreover , in Friday March 26th 2021 , the occupation police issued 12 fines for participants in the protests, each fine worth 1000-1500 Shekels .

The Occupation Authorities imposed full control over the targeted land , after a declaration in  March 2021 stating that the so Called Blue line committee (which is responsible on setting state borders) completed work at the area , and extended the borders of the confiscated lands . The result was seizing “3000” dunums of lands, and announcing them “state properties” based on criteria and military orders created and set to support their ultimate goal.

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Photos 3-5 : Declaration of land seizure east Yatta

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This report was prepared with EU funding

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